Rain Garden
A deliberately built depression planted with vegetation that allows storm water from impervious surfaces to collect, briefly settle, and then infiltrate into the ground
By intercepting storm water, this garden helps to reduce the amount of pollution entering streams and the ocean. helps our campus reduce our environmental impact and serves as a demonstration project for homeowner and community members.
In summer of 2015, the Kapi‘olani CC STEM program (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) students installed a rain garden on the Great Lawn side of ʻIlima Building. Water from the ʻIlima roof is now diverted into a collection barrel and then into a specially designed depression filled with native plants.
Please contact Dr. Wendy Kuntz for more information.
Plants are alphabetized using the Hawaiian alphabet.
Click on the plant picture for more information like the scientific name, what family their apart of or even how our Hawaiian ancestors used each plant.