Pōhinahina - Beach Vitex
Description: Low branched shrub forming mats several meters in diameter with reddish black fruit and small purple flowers. The leaves are small with a rounded edge and dusted surface. Can grow rapidly once established and has silvery, oval leaves that may have a tinge of lavender near the margins. Foliage has a spicy fragrance and the flowers are about an inch long, lavender, and are clustered near tips of the stems(6 inches to 2 feet tall).
ʻōlelo mua (Introduction):
- Scientific – Vitex rotundifoli
- Hawaiian –
- Pohinahina
- Kolokolo kahakai
ʻOhana: Part of Verbenaceae family
Kūlana olakino(Status): Indigenous
Kino lau(Many Forms taken by Supernatural body): None
Mū – Pests: Very few
Lāʻau lapaʻau(Medicinal Use):
- None
Ways it was Used:
- Flowers are used to make leis.
Kanu – (To Plant)Propagation:
- Can be propagated from seeds or cuttings(are faster).
- If you are using cuttings, stick them into the ground and water them daily with soaker hose for about 3 weeks
Hoʻohana Hiʻohiʻona ʻāina(Utilize Landscape) –
Landscape Uses:
- Makes good groundcover or potted specimen and is wind and salt tolerant.
- Good cover for steep banks and has been reported to do well in large clay or cement pots on the lānai, fully immersed in sunlight.
- Can grow well in sandy soil, red clay soils, and a broad range of elevations.
- Makes a good plant for inland/upland xeriscape and tends to sprawl.
- Should have a good drainage system, water well for the first few weeks and than slow down when plant becomes established to thrive.