Description: Shrub or tree that can reach heights of 10-30 feet tall. Produces flowers that are greenish-white in color. Plant has a coarse texture and light or medium green leaves.
ʻōlelo mua (Introduction):
- Scientific – Rauvolfia sandwicensis
- Hawaiian – Hao
- English – Sea Purslane
ʻOhana: Part of Apocynaceae family
Kūlana olakino(Status): Endemic
Lāʻau lapaʻau(Medicinal Use):
- The bark was scraped and mixed with its flowers in water. The water was consumed and aid in curing childhood disease and thrush.
Ways it was Used:
- The wood of hao is very hard. In religious terms, the smoke and the roots from hao was known to be poisonous.
Kino lau(Many Forms taken by Supernatural body): None