The purpose of the A.S. degree is to provide a clear, explicit, and coherent pathway for students intending to transfer into STEM majors at baccalaureate institutions. The A.S. degree provides targeted advising and appropriate course sequencing for efficient transfer of our STEM students. The degree also provides a focus for the College to identify, recruit, counsel, and retain STEM students. The degree marks the endpoint for students who have moved through the curricular pathways. The degree facilitates articulation and transfer agreements between Kapi‘olani Community College and four-year STEM programs at UH Manoa (UHM), UH Hilo (UHH), as well as programs on the U.S. mainland.
ASNS Degree Concentrations
In addition to the ASNS degree, we also offer various certificates.
Certificate in Biotechnology
Prepares students for entry-level employment in the biotechnology industry and research laboratories. Learn basic lab skills, equipment maintenance, safety and manufacturing practices.
Certificate in STEM Education
Provides a clear pathway for students transferring into a university program for secondary education in STEM.
Certificate in Sustainability
Demonstrates that students have a good foundation in the issues, topics and language used in sustainability and overlaps with many general education and STEM degree requirements.
Marine Options Program
Provides students with experiential education, research opportunities, networking, job opportunities, field trips, and the opportunity to pursue their passion for marine studies.
Program Alumni Testimonials
Regardless of whether you are aware of it, the realm of science touches the lives of you and every one in our community all the same. We should view [science] as a tool that can be applied to tackle challenges we face as Hawaii's people.

Robin Kaai
Through the STEM summer bridge, I was able to take math classes for free, find a career that I love, and make lifetime friends... [The factors that contributed to my success were] being resilient and having a significant amount of research experience.

Jennifer Wong Ala
Graduate TA at Oregon State
The project that I participated in at KapCC was the CanSAT Project. That project encompasses a lot of the Engineering processes that I go through at work... It allows you to be creative, think outside the box... and present your ideas to people.

Kelsey Kawaguchi
Engineer at Boeing
Don't work in a vacuum. Work with others to gain more perspectives on how to approach a problem. The STEM Center helped me become a better communicator and the STEM program has given me somewhere I can belong.

Ronnie Kauanoe
VR Researcher at UH Lava Lab