ʻAkoko - Spurge
Description: small shrub and annual herb that grows vertical with a thin long stem and small shady green leaves
ʻōlelo mua (Introduction):
- Scientific – Euphorbia olowaluana Chamaesyce olowaluana
- Hawaiian – ‘Akoko
ʻOhana: Part of Euphorbiaceae family
Kūlana olakino(Status): Endemic
Lāʻau lapaʻau(Medicinal Use):
- The leaf bud were fed to children as well as pregnant women to treat ‘ea and pa’ao’ao.
- For ailment, ‘ala’ala hamani the sap is mixed with powdered ‘ahu’awa stem to be used as an ointment.
- This plant can also be used to treat debilitation, you combine ‘akoko leaf buds, ‘ohi’a ai bark, noni fruit, ko kea, ‘ala’ala wainui pehu and pia.
Ways it was Used:
- Sticks was used for firewood
Kino lau(Many Forms taken by Supernatural body): None