Ilieʻe - Leadwort
Description: Small shrub with thin stems and thin light green leaves that are flaky around the edges. This plant also has a small white flower.
ʻōlelo mua (Introduction):
- Scientific – Plumbago zeylanica
- Hawaiian – ʻIlie’e
ʻOhana: Part of Plumbaginaceae family
Kūlana olakino(Status): Indigenous
Lāʻau lapaʻau(Medicinal Use):
- Used to treat swelling and sores when you take the tap roots, epidermis, leaves and stems along with the addition of other plants to create some kind of paste.
Ways it was Used:
- Juice from the roots can be used as tattoo pigments that range between navy blue and black.
Kino lau(Many Forms taken by Supernatural body): None